MAX Filming

Tri-Met in Movies

The movie The Hunted was filmed in Portland in 2000/2001. The movie was an action flick starring Benicio Del Toro and Tommy Lee Jones. They wanted a fight scene involving a MAX train. The movie company converted to old Tri-Met Ikarus articulated busses into the MAX train look alike. They also added fake overhead wires and rails to the Hawthorne Bridge (which has not scene streetcar service since the 1950's). The fight scene in movie was a bit unbelievable as it showed the pantograph constantly arcing. However it was great to see a fake MAX train!


pdx-movie37.jpg (131120 bytes)Two car "MAX train. pdx-movie22.jpg (228156 bytes)The two "trains" under the freeway. Car numbers are 103 and 301,
pdx-movie03.jpg (95307 bytes)Fake catenary pdx-movie10.jpg (144253 bytes)Side view of the "train".
pdx-movie16.jpg (194992 bytes)Preparing for filming pdx-movie01.jpg (165031 bytes)Another view of the wiring.

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