Kavanagh Metro Center

This photo of the "Kavanagh Block" was taken at Kavanagh, Alberta along the CP right-of-way. Kavanagh is located about 15~20 miles south of Edmonton along route 2A. It is a very small town consisting of a couple of abandoned stores, an auto repair shop, and a few homes. (8/99)

Welcome to the Kavanagh Transit Block
Updated August 2022

On this site you will find OVER 18,500 photos of rapid transit and railroad systems in 114 cities in 21 countries on 4 continents! This site has over 20,000 photos of transportation related items.

I have been to transit systems in North America, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. The purpose of the website is to share photos and experiences from these different transit systems along with mainline railroads. Keep in mind that only systems the webmaster has been to are shown on these pages. There are much larger all encompassing sites that have much more information and photos. 

 Here is a list of what you will find on this website Today.

= New photos/items since June 2022

  Website Section # of Photo New Details

Transit system photos

17831 892
  • Subways/Metros
  • Light Rail/Trams/Trolleys
  • Commuter Rail Lines
  • See City Express


Mainline Railroad Photos

  • Intercity Passenger
  • High Speed Lines
  • Freight


Tokens & Farecards

  • Different methods of fare payments around the world.
  • Over 50 tokens/farecards are displayed.


Transit Museums

  • Transit and Railroad Museums from around the world are featured.


Airliner Photos

  • Here photos of different civilian commercial airliners are featured, sorted by manufacturer.
  • Aircraft Museums
  Cruise Ships 17  
  • Introducing Cruise Ships to Ktransit.com

Bridges 139
  • Here photos of bridges are featured
World Trade Center 81
  • Photos of NY WTC trade Center before 9/11/01, during the recovery, the Twin Light and now the rebuilding.

Travel Notes

  • Stories of trips the webmaster has made.
  • Tips on how to ride different systems.

The Fine Print:

All photos on this website are by Mark Kavanagh. Any and all material contained in this web site may not be reproduced, in any form, without the expressed written consent of Mark Kavanagh, © 1999-2024 all rights reserved. Larger and higher resolution images for all photos are available from the webmaster.

All Logos, symbols for airlines, railroads and transit systems are trademarks and/or copyrighted by the owning airline/railroad/transit system. Ktransit.com is not affiliated with ANY airline, railroad or transit system mentioned on this website.

Become a sponsor of ktransit.com. Put your ad on a specific city for a nominal annual fee. 
 Contact Us for more information.